Sunday 13 June 2010


My first week back at school is over and the second almost here, but with summer fast approaching everything seems a lot easier and more relaxed. But I'm becoming such a hermit, lately my ideal day is staying at home watching Come Dine With Me!
Yesterday I managed to drag myself out of the house for lovely Holly's belated birthday party.We all mooched about in a little nail bar and had our nails done, which was so nice and (continuing with the theme) relaxing. I chose "Ashes of Rose" because I loved the name and I've been swayed by the media into believing that everything should be in unoffensive shades of blush.
I wore the one on the right for the party, the left for lounging at home.
The shirt and amazing leather skirt were my recent H&M purchases, £10 each. The shirt fits like a dream, is a fab shape & and is so lusciously soft. The skirt is just amazing. Mmm, pleather.
And the denim shorts I made two years ago from my mums boyfriend fit Gap jeans, I just throw them on when the mood takes me.
Lately I've been feeling like wearing as many rings as I can stuff on my fingers, most of these are H&M from little packs that only cost £1.99! They're all so pretty, and this means I can stop feeling so angry when I look at overpriced (in my case, probably cheap for most people) Topshop rings.
This sweet little cupcake came in my party bag, and the tiny ice cream matched my nails so I got excited and took a picture. Isn't it cute?

love always,

P.S. How to the pictures look to you? I'm using a new editing program that Rachel from In An English Accent  reccomended to me and I think it looks so much better!


  1. lovely tights!

  2. i love your tights and i have most of those rings from h&m aswell, they're just cheap and cutee, what more can you ask for haa xx

  3. i LOVE your tights! Where do you bought it? :D

  4. Your school just started? Mine just ended.

    And for your comment, thank you so much! I would have to say that that's the sweetest comment I've ever gotten.

  5. thanks for the little mention ;) it's REALLY good, right? :D
    and love the outfits, that skirt is super cute
    I'm loving your blog more and more :D
    much much love xoxo

  6. Jealous of your ring collection! Sweet tights~

  7. The rings are great, the more the merrier! I like the finish of your photos, the contrast is good, makes the images really rich :)

    Claire @ Jazzpad

  8. I LIKE THE TIGHTS!!cute blog!
    I opened a new fashion blog too, I hope u'll be one of my followers:-)

  9. both outfits are fab. love the left one soo chill, and I'm rather jealous that you actually find such good things at h&m, I'm rather unlucky! xx


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