Thursday, 2 December 2010

The snow is pathetic.

There is not enough to play in.
Cardigan - Vintage
Blouse - Primark
Skirt - H&M
Shoes - Doc Martens
There are currently teeny tiny pinpricks of white dust floating outside my window. The ground is covered (I used that term loosely) in about 1cm of it and I have to go to school in two hours. I'm hoping for some kind of freak blizzard.

I mentioned this before, but I'd quite like to start posting my favourite blogs. However, I don't want to post the same blogs everyone posts as their "favourites". I follow a lot of blogs and there are so many who I don't think get the attention and recognition they deserve, which is really unfair. I think it's easy for more popular bloggers to fall into like "cliques" who promote each other, while it's not so bad that they help each other out - I'd rather see a wide range of interesting blogs.
I'm not saying all of these blogs aren't popular, they are just my favourites and maybe don't always get to be someone's "blogger of the month" all the time.
Sorry for the ramble, don't think it made sense but I tried. Anyway, here is your first one to follow.

love lily x

p.s. I'm currently reading "Enduring Love" by Ian McEwan. I only just started but it's so powerful already.


  1. There's a bit more snow where I am (London) and all methods of travel are chaotic!
    I know what you mean about blogs, you do see the same ones promoted by the same people etc. I read all sorts of blogs, and the number of followers has no bearing on the quality of the blog in my opinion. :)
    Like your cardy by the way xx

  2. You need to come to kent, im literally snowed in :/

  3. your jumper looks lovely
    and WOW that lamp behind you is epic! it looks like those helmets at the hairdressers

    bring on the freak blizzard!

  4. Hey! Love your blog, following :) That cardigan looks warm and pretty :) xx

  5. At least you get snow where you live!Haha. But good point, mainstream bloggers do seem to form cliques...


please come back again?