Monday, 18 October 2010

J'ai beaucoups de pass-temps.

Tonight's all about French coursework and Harry Potter.
I feel so sleepy and horrid, I want a hot bath and a cosy bed with some Whittards tea.
cardigan - river island
shirt - h&m
skirt - american apparel
belt - charity shop
tights - primark
shoes - vintage (portobello road)
I wore this to Ikea. I love Ikea. Especially Ikea apple cake.
I really like the colour combination, something about it just fits and is a little bit perfect. And I love my cardigan so so so much, it's lovely big chunkyness makes every outfit more interesting... and warm.
Hopefully a post in the next few days, when I have less work, I have a few pictures to share.

love lily

p.s. only 25 days til Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I've already started my preparation with the obligatory re-reading of all books (soon to be followed by back to back viewing of all films) have you? 


  1. i love your cardigan and shoes soo much. <3
    i wish i had time to reread harry potter and watch the movies....:(

    xx elanor

  2. That cardi is so perfect for this season. It is such a pretty colour!

  3. Ah, so many lovely aspects to this outfit. I'm having the hardest time finding cardigans, I'm just so picky. This one's nice though.

    And, HARRY POTTER! A rereading would serve me well, but time. There should be Sparknotes by now, just a lil' refresher!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. eeeee i love your outfit!!!!!!!

    thank you so much for the lovely lovely heart warming comment you left me. it really did cheer me up ever such a lot! you are a sweetheart. and i hope things with your art teacher get better soon too. i think thats what makes art so difficult. people seem to think of it as an easy course but it is so hard because there are so many different opinions and no right or wrong.

    Oh gosh, harry potter!! i have been waiting for the film for so so long now!!! i have butterflies just thinking about it. eekk!! i read deathlty hallows for the millionth time a few months ago and will be watching the films every evening until the day the film comes out. and then i will be there!!! i cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    have a lovely evening, i hope you feel better and not horrid soon


  5. ahhhh!

    i am so excited for harry potter!
    haven't started re-reading the book yet...must get on it!

  6. Great blog :)

    follow my new one at:

  7. I love your cardigan.
    I love you brogues.
    I love your blog.
    But what i love most of all ... is that you're also counting down the days until Harry Potter comes out :) xxx


please come back again?