Wednesday, 15 September 2010

holiday oh a holiday

I'm so unorganised. Apparently that's not a word.
Has anyone else just hit year 10 and been overwhelmed completely by the workload? And next week I have a GCSE assessment!! Already!!
I loved every comment I received on my last post, they were so inspiring and amazing. You all made me feel a lot better, thank you so much.
The annoying thing about the artwork I'm doing at the moment is I was so proud of it. I considered it to be the best work I've ever done, but my teacher can't find a single good thing to say about it. Not a terribly good confidence boost.

I thought I should finally show you some pictures from my trip to Rome, but since this is my attitude to family holiday snaps -
I struggled to find any. At least in this one you can see a bit of our apartment, which was gorgeous.
I think the body language in that first picture by the fountain is priceless, but at least the fountain looks nice!
And my mum's gorgeous Topshop blouse, famous amongst bloggers - I want it. I think it's time for wardrobe borrowing.
This is me and my brother in the beautiful English tearooms next to the Spanish steps, it was so lovely but a lot on the pricey side so we all just had ice tea. Which was delicious! You mixed it up yourself with liquid sugar and lemon, I loved it. And everything had little cats on, you can just see one on the napkin, it was so pretty.

Sorry if that was a bit too "family holiday", I wanted to post but had nothing exciting to show you. I needed some way to escape my history homework though.

love from lily xxx

p.s. I have some lovely things to show you, I just need to get my camera out.


  1. Your blog is amazing, you're a great inspiration
    and you posts are spot on all the time :)
    Say hi to your new follower!

    Hope you can check mine out too

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment!

    ♥ Maja

  3. Awww lovely pictures, you're very cute!

    I really love your blog so I have joined your followers and will be back again soon for sure :)

    If you get chance I'd love it if you could check out my blog Thank you xxx


please come back again?