Saturday, 28 August 2010

are you hurting the one you love?

Sorry for the lack of posts, gang.
Do you want a list of excuses? I have one.
- I went to London for a couple of days and forgot my camera.
- It rained a lot. I got wet. Outfit pictures aint so pretty when the main focus is a girl resembling a drowned rat (me!)
- I discovered a love of leggings and big jumpers/shirts. Oops.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder? I hope so.

So Topshop added some more stuff to their sale and, as you may know, I am weak. So I came away with this playsuit that is so comfy it feels like jammies and a silky lacey underskirty thing to peek out of my dresses.
Check out my new bed. It's goodbye futon living, my love affair with my bedroom floor is OVER. I love my bed!!! :)
Playsuit - Topshop
Cardigan - H&M
Belt - Charity Shop
Necklace - Accessorize

At the moment we have a hundred (not very dramatic) temperature changes a day so I gave up dressing for Autumn and put my tights away! I think it's my northern roots, but I don't notice the cold much. If I think about it, I realise I'm freezing and that I can't feel my toes - but it doesn't really bother me.

I'm actually really tired right now, I had an early start at eight o'clock this morning and I can't remember things I thought of to write five minutes ago. Silly Lily.

I'll stop boring you now.

lots and lots and lots of love
from lily x

p.s. the title is one of my favourite florence + the machine songs, I'm not sure how well known it is because I think it's a B side but it's really good!!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

honey I'm home.

I'm not even going to apologise for the tackyness of the title, I resisted putting it as my facebook status but if I can't show my love for tacky lines here then where can I?
I got back from Rome on Tuesday and since then I have just been catching up on blogs and watching America's Next Top Model. The thrills.
Rome was, as some of you may know, absolutely breathtaking. The second I entered the city my jaw literally dropped, it was so beautiful. I can't even describe it, but everything was amazing. I'll probably do a post about it in a day or so, once I've looked through the holiday pictures and found some acceptable ones to post. At the moment the English weather is really not making me want to sort through pictures of myself basking in the sunshine and just general lush weather. I'm not bitter about it or anything, though.
Ooh, "Rome" by Yeasayer just came on spotify, isn't that funny. :)

These pictures are from yesterday, when I felt so adventurous that I trekked down to the practically abandoned end of my garden for some more exciting pictures. I've posted this dress before in a similar way but I was in a gloomy mood so I just wanted to wear an old favourite.  And I love the colour of the dress with the colour of the cardigan. I actually love it.
These pictures are alright, yes? I would feel proud to put them on lookbook, I think. If I had a lookbook.
Dress - Topshop
Cardigan - H&M
Belt - Charity Shop
Socks - My dad's Tintin ones ( he has many )
Shoes - Primark
In case you wanted a view of the socks in all their glory.

A little round up of my first proper "shoot". Where my "tripod" was a bench and an old plank of wood.

love lily


p.s. I decided to change the blog name. I'm much happier with it now. Glorious.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

When in Rome.

Who knew scheduled posts were a lot harder to write than normal ones?
Dress - H&M
Teapot necklace - Topshop
Big stone ring - gift

I decided that although I used to go weeks without posting, to leave you all alone for five days would be cruel. So while I'm enjoying Rome, you  can enjoy a few little pictures. I'm really happy with these pictures, they actually don't make me squirm when I look at them. They make me smile. :)
If you ignore my baby knees. Which I do. They look like baby faces. Little baby demons.
Maybe it's because I'm so in love with this dress? A lot of bloggers have it in the black and white striped print, but this floral was just too pretty. I might buy the other one as well, that's how good it makes me feel. And for such a self esteem boost, it wasn't too pricey either.
I used to save up all my money to buy one piece from Topshop, usually a pretty dress, and then find I had nothing to wear apart from three or four pretty dresses. Lately I've been buying more versatile pieces, things that work together and now I find it so much easier to find outfits I like. Neutrals and muted tones as well as gorgeous bright coloured patterns have really helped bring my wardrobe together. Basics are my best friends right now.

Well I might as well use this time wisely by asking a few things of you.

I love my followers, I love that I have followers and I love that the amount of followers I have grows. But I feel as if I don't know any of you! I really would like to know you all better so, if you would like to, leave a comment telling me about yourself or send me a quick email! I love getting them!

And another little thing, I'm not really happy with my blog name. It doesn't feel right to me. Maybe because it's taken from a song, it doesn't feel like my own. I was considering changing it to "Lily and the Glorious". I like how it sounds, it's more personal and I love the word glorious. What do you think?

Sorry for the loooooong post and I hope you are all having lovely summers (or winters)!

love lily x

Thursday, 5 August 2010

I thought you should know.

Yesterday I went shopping. Again. I'm such a cliché.
Skirt - Zara
Tee - H&M
Jacket - My Daddy's
Belt - Charity Shop
Hairband - H&M

I realise I need to take better pictures that aren't squashed into my room, but as these were taken at about midnight there weren't many other options.
At the moment I'm liking salads & grey. Salads because they are so fun to make! You just throw whatever you want in and it's yummy, easy delicious food. And grey, a colour I loved, then hated & now appreciate. Relaxed yet not too boring. My new favourite.

love lily x