Sunday, 30 May 2010


Yes, it's been a month so as a treat for hanging on for so long you get some ridiculous posey webcam photos! Lucky you!
I don't normally take pictures of myself so maybe that's why they came out looking so... individual? But I needed to update and show off my fringe, which I'm quite proud of even though it seems to be the predictable hairstyle of choice for uuuuuuuuuum every blogger ever everywhere, something had to be done.
Basically my hair before was NASTY. It was straggly and split endy and horrid, so I got it cut. And it was worse. They gave me som stupid spikey flicky thing which made me want to cry and have a little breakdown. So my mummy did this for me.
I'm really liking my yellow nails at the moment, they make everything I do a tiny little brighter - which is odd because I hate the colour yellow normally. And how lovely is this ring? It's a little daisy on a chain thing, £2 from Topshop. So far I am sticking to my plan of not buying anything from Topshop unless it's onsale (or socks) and my money stash has been growing, maybe soon I can treat myself to a little shopping trip.
I bought these sunglasses off my brother for £3, he ordered some for himself and they sent these instead which was good news for me considering it was around the time of the crazy heatwave. The whole weekend I lived in these and Primark playsuits lounging in the sun.

Oh and this picture is just to prove how lame I am, incase you hadn't already noticed.
Now here I would appreciate some feedback. At times I don't feel my blog is completely honest or fully 'me', which is why posts feel like so much effort. I think I would like to start making posts that matter, and feature my opinions and feelings more. So maybe this blog will become a bit more personal? I need to think things over, but hopefully I will be back soon with some substantial posting.
P.S. Although I'm feeling a bit Topshop negative, I'm a bit in love with the make up. Especially the lipstick, my favourite is Brighton Rock